Tag Archives: NRRA

Development of Mix Designs and Matrix of Materials for MnROAD Low Carbon Concrete Test Site

To address climate change mitigation goals, highway agencies are seeking alternative concrete paving mixtures that have a reduced embodied carbon content (ECC).

The research team first focused on developing a matrix of reduced ECC concrete mixtures to be tested at MnROAD. The 16 concrete mixtures selected for inclusion in the test matrix met minimum engineering requirements to ensure constructability and performance and were approved by MnDOT.

Between July 27 and August 9, 2023, 16 test cells were constructed at the MnROAD I-94 facility to evaluate reduced ECC concrete paving mixtures. The purpose of constructing these cells was to assess the in-service performance, environmental impact, and constructability of various alternative supplementary cementitious materials (ASCMs) that may reduce the embodied carbon content of concrete, while providing an opportunity to assess test results and in-service performance in coming years.

A preliminary environmental assessment showed that most mixtures were expected to have either a similar or lower ECC compared to the control mixture representative of typical MnDOT paving-grade concrete. Quality assurance testing conducted on field-cast specimens revealed generally acceptable results; most of the materials had similar performance compared to the control mixture, but the cells will continue to be monitored.

Research Pays Off Webinar Recordings Now Available

The National Road Research Alliance hosts a monthly seminar highlighting the value research adds to the transportation industry here in Minnesota and around the country. Did you miss one of their 2023 webinars? Recordings of the events are now available on YouTube. For upcoming events, go to the NRRA Research Pays Off Seminar Series or stay engaged by following their LinkedIn page or subscribing to their e-newsletter.

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Effect of Low and Moderate Recycled Concrete Aggregate Replacement Levels on Concrete Properties

As the demand for aggregate in construction increases, recycling concrete waste as aggregate has been recognized as an environmentally sustainable solution with potential cost savings. It would allow recycling of construction and demolition waste and reduce some of the need to quarry and haul virgin aggregate. However, the use of recycled concrete aggregate (RCA) has been limited by concerns over its quality and performance, and by lack of uniform specifications as to what kind and how much of the aggregate to use in pavement construction. Studies and on-the-ground experience have shown that high levels of RCA reduce the durability of pavements. The effects of lower replacement levels have not been well documented, however.

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Research Pays Off: April Webinar on IC Soil Compaction Measurements

The National Road Research Alliance (NRRA) is hosting a virtual webinar, Evaluation of Levels 3-4 Intelligent Compaction Measurement Values (ICMV) for Soils Subgrade and Aggregate Subbase Compaction, on April 18 at 10 a.m. CST, presented by Ceren Aydin, Michigan State University, and Raul Velasquez, MnDOT.

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Research Pays Off Webinar Series: Improving Field Moisture Monitoring of Recycled Bases

The National Road Research Alliance (NRRA) is hosting “Improving Field Moisture Monitoring of Recycled Bases” on February 21 at 10 a.m. CST, presented by Ceren Aydin, Michigan State University and Raul Velasquez, MnDOT.

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Research Pays Off Webinar Series: Intelligent Compaction Technology as a Service and for Compliance

The National Road Research Alliance (NRRA) is hosting “Intelligent Compaction Technology as a Service and for Compliance – How ICT Research has led to the Removal of Technicians from Construction Sites in the UK” on July 19 at 10 a.m. CST, presented by Ruairi Charlesworth of Highway Data Systems.

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Research Pays Off Webinar Series: Intelligent Compaction Technology as a Service and for Compliance

The National Road Research Alliance (NRRA) is hosting “Intelligent Compaction Technology as a Service and for Compliance – How ICT Research has led to the Removal of Technicians from Construction Sites in the UK” on March 15 at 10 a.m. CST, presented by Ruairi Charlesworth of Highway Data Systems.

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Research Pays Off Webinar Series: Understanding and Improving Pavement Milling Operations

The National Road Research Alliance (NRRA) is hosting “Understanding and Improving Pavement Milling Operations” on January 18 at 10 a.m. CST, presented by Eshan Dave, University of New Hampshire.

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