Tag Archives: webinar

Research Pays Off: April Webinar on IC Soil Compaction Measurements

The National Road Research Alliance (NRRA) is hosting a virtual webinar, Evaluation of Levels 3-4 Intelligent Compaction Measurement Values (ICMV) for Soils Subgrade and Aggregate Subbase Compaction, on April 18 at 10 a.m. CST, presented by Ceren Aydin, Michigan State University, and Raul Velasquez, MnDOT.

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Research Pays Off Webinar Series: Improving Field Moisture Monitoring of Recycled Bases

The National Road Research Alliance (NRRA) is hosting “Improving Field Moisture Monitoring of Recycled Bases” on February 21 at 10 a.m. CST, presented by Ceren Aydin, Michigan State University and Raul Velasquez, MnDOT.

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Research Pays Off Webinar Series: Intelligent Compaction Technology as a Service and for Compliance

The National Road Research Alliance (NRRA) is hosting “Intelligent Compaction Technology as a Service and for Compliance – How ICT Research has led to the Removal of Technicians from Construction Sites in the UK” on July 19 at 10 a.m. CST, presented by Ruairi Charlesworth of Highway Data Systems.

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CTS Webinar: Electrification of the Freight System in Minnesota—Barriers, Opportunities, and a Multicriteria Planning Tool

Transportation has the largest share of greenhouse gas emissions in the US, and trucks make up a significant proportion of that. Most states and local governments have plans to significantly reduce air pollution caused by transportation. The widespread use of electric vehicles is a primary means to achieve that goal. While personal electric vehicles have found their way to the automobile market and charging infrastructures are becoming more available in urban areas, electric trucks would have a bumpy road to being adopted en masse. This is due to the lack of widespread charging infrastructure and incentivizing policies, as well as technical and operational challenges confronting the trucking industries. 

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CTS Webinar: The Health and Transportation Nexus—A Unified Model Integrating Multiple Mechanisms for Collaborative Planning

Transportation is a crucial contributor to health: it not only directly shapes the social and physical environments in myriad ways, but it also determines the types of places where people can live, learn, work, and play in their everyday life.

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Research Pays Off Webinar Series: Intelligent Compaction Technology as a Service and for Compliance

The National Road Research Alliance (NRRA) is hosting “Intelligent Compaction Technology as a Service and for Compliance – How ICT Research has led to the Removal of Technicians from Construction Sites in the UK” on March 15 at 10 a.m. CST, presented by Ruairi Charlesworth of Highway Data Systems.

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